Summer envy

Dear Daughter, I’m not sure they’ve taught you this word yet, but I am envious of you. Do you know what that means? Have you learned it yet in school? It’s when you want what someone else has. When you have this resentful desire to possess it. “Resentful desire,” daughter. It’s jealousy, more or less. Your papa is brimming with it! I’m envious of you for one simple reason: Tomorrow I’ll go to work, but you? Well … SUMMER STARTS FOR YOU!!! No school. You’re done. You can wake up late. Stroll out to breakfast with a big, long, lazy yawn. Hair a mess. Pajamas still on. You don’t have to listen to anyone say, “Kid! … eat, eat, eat! You have 13 seconds to brush your teeth, get that knot the size of a hornet’s nest out of your hair and make it to school.” Your life is gravy now! GRAVY!!! You can play with your cereal until the O’s turn to mush. You can flop on the sofa and drown yourself in TV. You can go outside and wash the car for me. (Thought I would throw that in to see if you would fall for it.) Yet, through all of this — after the yawn, after you pull up to the breakfast table in pajamas, after the O’s turn to mush and you wash the car (still trying!) — do you know what the first words out of your mouth will be? I do — “I’m bored!” … Continue reading Summer envy